Monday, July 23, 2007

Ben will survive!

Don't worry, Ben is going to turn out just fine! I don't think today caused any permanent damage...except maybe to Jason. Georgia decided to dress up as Wendy (from Peter Pan) and instead of needing Ben to play Peter Pan, she wanted him to be Wendy's mom! Besides it's very hard to find boy "dress up" clothes, so if you find a fireman's costume, let me know. All in all, a good day...except for when Jason saw the pictures. :)

Our Charlotte Visit to see the Browns!

We headed to Charlotte, NC on Saturday to see our old friends from Virginia. Jen & Shaun had been visiting Jen's folks and we stopped in before they headed home. It was such a wonderful time getting to hang out again and meeting their newest addition, Lauren. Lauren was born 7 days after Ben. Josh and Caleb have grown up so much and Georgia loved the attention they both gave. Maybe one day we'll get them to move down here! :) We miss you guys!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ben has taken his first step!!

What an exciting day! I was inspired by my friend Reagan to create a blog and what better time than today. Ben took his first steps! We went to Gattitown with the Kleppers (Reagan, Kevin, and Ava Grace) for dinner. After dinner we decided to ride the carousel and play a few games. While Jason was playing skee ball I was entertaining Ben. When I grabbed Ben's hands to get him to a standing position, I was expecting the usual response of a limp body melting into the floor. Not this time! He acted interested in a walk so I motioned to Reagan who was in front of us. She cheered him on and that is when he took his first step towards Reagan! HOORAY! With all the fuss we made over this long awaited milestone, he was glowing with a prideful smile. I didn't have my camera, but Reagan happened to get a few shots so we will post those soon.